Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow and Winter Olympics...

So this week we have had two wonderful things happen...and that is not even including Valentine's Day. This week Dallas ended up having 12.4 inches of SNOW!!! In DALLAS!! Yep, that was really cool this past Thursday. So beautiful...I really enjoyed it. But I realized one thing...I really do prefer living in Texas to lets say...Chicago. I won't say I will never live up North, however, I realized that I LOVE a few days of it, and then I am ready for it to be gone. When I told Andy of this, I asked that he sit down, so as to not fall over! Hahahahah! Anyway, also this week, we have had the beginning of the Olympic Games! This I love people!! I really do love watching all the different sports, and the people interacting from around the world! So very cool!! You look at all these nations, and the cultures from where they come, and realize, wow, how really cool that is. Stepping away from all the politics, and frustrations, to come together. I like it. It reminds me of how it will be in heaven, with people from every nation, tribe and tongue. Definitely something to think about!!

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