Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Meet the Team...

This is a picture of our team headed for Ethiopia!! It is coming up so quick, and we are all so excited! We would continue to seek your prayers for this summer and all that the Lord wants to do from it!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ethiopia....the plans come together.

So, the end of the semester has come, and things are finally settling down, just in time to rev back up again! We are thankful for a little rest and time together, and so excited about this upcoming summer. As many of you know, Andy and I will be heading to Ethiopia this summer, and we will be using this blog for updates!! We look forward to sharing the journey with you!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jumping off the edge.....

So I have a trenmendous pull to be a little fearful...and extremely conservative in my decisions/choices. God is continuing to stretch me in this mode of operation by introducing things into my life to stretch me, and encourage my faith in him. This could be anywhere from the little things in life to the big things...and everywhere in between. He is challenging my thoughts and how I live out my Christian faith.

We have had our first Ethiopia meeting for this summer, and are very excited to see how God will use this summer. This summer, as I have stated before, is a step of faith on many levels. We would continue to appreciate your prayers as God prepares us to serve.

Friday, February 18, 2011


As a Christian...one of the things that seems difficult, or at least to me, is trusting Christ. This should be one of the easiest things in the world, right? All the "messages" out there, everywhere you go, is the idea that your can't trust God, you can't trust anything. It is hard not to be effected by this prevelant thought. That is why, God is increasingly showing me how important it is to spend time with him. To read His Word, and to live what I believe. A great thing one of my professors said last semester was this..."you have to trust something". Simple yet profound. I am loving this journey and continue to look forward to the process God is taking Andy and I through. Jesus set us free...it is time for us as Christians to live that way.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Give me Liberty...or give me death!-Patrick Henry

In a moving speech it is stated "...give me liberty, or give me death!". This quotation by Patrick Henry is a stirring and moving reminder of the importance of liberty, of freedom. It is so easy to give away our freedoms in return for comfort, the promise of better, however, it never really is. Christ came to set us free, and anything less is...well...less. Peace is nice, but not at the sake of our liberty. If our forefathers felt peace was more important, we never would have had the country that we do have.
There will always be those who will try and take away our liberty, and that is why it is essential to stay aware of the choices that lead to the relenquishing of our freedom. Whether spiritual or political, liberty is imperative. Let us not be lulled into the pit of apathy, where we shall surely loose our very selves.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

CURE...and Ethiopia

So, I heard from the CURE hospital in Ethiopia, and it seems like it is a go!! Wahoooo! So looking forward to being a nurse and engaing a new culture and people! Looking forward to seeing how God will use this summer, and how He is working everything together. It is AMAZING to watch! Please keep praying for us as we travel this journey.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wot was that?

So today Andy and I were introduced to the awesomeness of Ethiopian cuisine. Wot was part of the stew platter we had. It was completely a feast, and I am in love. It was so good, and to top it off....the coffee was OUTSTANDING!! We had lunch with Dr. Strauss, Dr. Anderson and his family, people going to Ethiopia, and people who have been to Ethiopia. It was such a great time, and Andy and I came away encouraged and excited about this upcoming experience. Please continue to pray for us as all the pieces begin to come together. We covet your prayers, and again request that you join us on this journey!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

As the World Turns...to Ethiopia and beyond.

So today I found out that my time off has been approved for this summer!! Wahoo!! That means that it looks like I am Ethiopia bound! I am looking forward to hearing from CURE and excited to see what is in store! Please be in prayer, because this is a big undertaking...one that Andy and I are not able to do on our own, but only through Christ. Please be praying for the preparation of our hearts, safety in travel, provision, and most importantly, that God would make us usable for Him! Lord willing as part of our trip, we are hoping to end our time in Isreal. This summer has many pieces yet to fall in place, but they are begining. We are excited for you to take this journey with us via blogging.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Grief Shared...

You know...loss, pain, and struggles are difficult; no one will challenge this. Culturally, I believe we as Americans struggle to accept loss. We don't know how to deal with it, we do not know how to grieve well.
This has carried over to our Christian community at times as well, however, and we have lost the art of grieving. In ancient times, they gave time, respect and care for those who grieved. Andy and I have personally been challenged with this at the present with precious friends who lost their twins before they had the chance to even be born. What is our role?
A while ago, I was moved by the Jewish custom of just sitting with someone, no saying anything in their grief. Being present. This moved me, because sometimes, there just are no words to say. There is nothing we can personally do, but pray and be there.
As I have seen friends gathering around, to love on those who have suffered loss, I can not help but be moved by the importance of community. By the love we can share with each other at such a time. God created us to not go through this life alone. When we neglect the importance of community, we reject the beauty and healing God provides. We are not made to live this life alone.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Changing of the Heart......

So here I am (Kristyn), and I have been a Christian for a long time. But God continues to reveal to me, parts of my heart that still need to be surrendered to Him. I can be soo resitant, so hardened to change. For any of you who know me, know this to be true. Continue to pray for Andy and I that He would continue to work in our hearts, especially in preparation for this summer, that we would let Him guide.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ethiopia Bound....

So my friends, there is some exciting news that Andy and I would love to share with you. As you know, Andy and I have been in Dallas, TX for the last 2.5 years living life and going to school. It has been an incredible journey so far, and we continue to be excited about where God is taking us. As you know, we do not see the whole road, just the part of the path that we are on. This part of the path appears to be leading us towards Ethiopia this summer. Andy wants to eventually teach, and has an opportunity to possibly teach there for an extended ammount of time. I also am excited about the opportunity to join Andy for part of the time, and possibly work in a CURE international pediatric hospital. I have always wanted to do this, and we are both thrilled with the opportunity laid before us. We are hoping to blog through this experience, and would ask that you keep us in your prayers.